I can't believe that Olivia is 2 1/2 today! 6 months until she is 3 years old. We can't believe how big she is getting! I went through her clothes the other night in her closet and pulled out some things that don't fit. Her vocabulary is growing so fast and she says the funniest things sometimes! She is running and jumping like you wouldn't believe. She has stopped with the whiny stage for now. Probably her most grumpy time is after her nap and she is a little grouchy for awhile. I would say she is about 90% potty trained. There are good days and bad. We have had more good days lately than bad (maybe it is the Cinderella underwear!). She is still a pretty picky eater and now with her tree nut allergies some things she used to like are off limit. But we have found plenty of foods that she can eat. This girl loves to play...things hold her attention for awhile if she is really into it. We are so happy when she is happy!
This morning we went to dance class. Maybe it was the full moon but not one of the little girls wanted to listen to the teacher today. The best part of the class is the jumping over the butterflies! That part everyone listened and jumped! We had a great lunch watching football and spent a rainy afternoon having fun. Olivia tried asparagus tonight and she ate it! I think it is weird she will eat stuff like that but hates things like pizza and chicken nuggets...but whatever she ate asparagus! We are back on the Charlie Brown kick and watched The Great Pumpkin tonight (we watched the Thanksgiving last night).
I am 2 and 1/2 and I don't want my picture taken before dance class! |
All the pictures came out blurry today...too bad she wouldn't do this dance move all class when she was supposed to! |
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