Right now the only thing I can think is- tomorrow is a new day!
We had a rough day today. Olivia had lots of crying and tantrums and just wasn't herself today. She did have a little runny nose but it was worse when she was all upset. She got upset over everything and I mean everything. I didn't even think we were going to make it to Kindermusik this morning. She cried because she didn't want to go on the potty...then we had accidents galore today...2 poop accidents and I think 2 or 3 pee pee accidents. Then it was nap time...she did not want to take a nap...I tried for like an hour and then gave up. I let her come and play downstairs and she was just laying all over the floor. About 3 o'clock I took her up in bed with me and she even cried then! After about 10 minutes or so she fell asleep. Well then I couldn't move. I slept for about 10-15 mins but then I was wide awake. Thankfully I was able to read while she napped...but then I had to go to the bathroom...I held it as long as possible...she woke up and then went right back to sleep. She didn't want to eat much dinner and then we played outside. I brought her Cozy Coupe car out and I pushed her around in that and she loved it...plus it was quite the work out I might add!
Bedtime was horrible...but she did finally communicate that her ear was hurting...so that may be the problem. I will see how she is in the morning and if she is still a hot mess we will be going to the doctor.
If they were giving out parent report cards today I would have gotten a big F. I was getting frustrated with her and she was not listening. I swear I said no 1,000 times to things I always say no to- like keeping the closet door closed, and letting Jake in our bedroom...I felt bad that I was saying no to everything she was doing. She has started doing this, "You can't get me" and lays on the floor. I told her that she was not allowed to say that anymore and lay on the floor like that- she usually does this when she doesn't want to do something- like go potty or even better go to bed! It has just worked my last nerve today. I know these days are few and far between but they are exhausting and frustrating. I kept asking myself what I was doing wrong and maybe I was missing something that she was trying to communicate. I really fell apart when she finally just settled down and was talking to Lamby. She was asking Lamby if she wanted to go to bed and told her that mommy, daddy, and Jake were all going to bed and she needed to go to sleep. Then she said I love you to Lamby and I haven't heard a peep since...I am sure it won't be too long though.
Tomorrow can't come fast enough!
Don't let this sweet smile deceive you....she truly was a hot mess today! |