11 months old. It is weird to say that. Around this time last year I was being showered with baby showers. I don't think we would have made it these past 11 months without all those wonderful gifts. We thank you everyday for them! Well Brendon brought Olivia back to the pediatrician today because she was really pulling on her ear and sticking her finger in it. But no ear infection- just some wax. She is still a little stuffed up so hopefully that will clear soon. But she weighed 19 pounds and Brendon didn't pay attention to the ounces. I am thinking it was more than just a few weeks ago.
But here is some updates about what she can and can't do at 11months:
1. Olivia can climb up the stairs- and fast. She gets all the way to her room and goes straight to her books.
2. Loves books. She loves to turn the pages and look at the pictures. She loved two books so much they have to be repaired!
3. Still cruising the furniture but faster and will turn from one piece of furniture to the next. She can also walk with her push toys.
4. Eating better. We have tried more table food- toast, mac and cheese, mixed veggies, turkey, cheese, I tired muffin the other day and that went so-so.
5. Drinking 4 bottles a day still. If it is a good day she will do all 4 bottles (about 24 oz). Lately she hasn't wanted her morning bottle or just a little bit of it. So we add whatever is left throughout the day.
6. Crawling like a maniac. She even has a turbo boost.
7. Saying more words/sounds. We got bye-bye the other day and getting more and more things put together. She loves to copy the s and z sound like the words silly, stinky, socks, and loves when I say zipper.
8. No we are not walking- she can walk if I hold her finger tips. But not on her own yet.
9. Standing on her own- work in progress. Sometimes she will do it and not even notice she is standing free of holding on. She can pull up on anything and today I caught her in the squat position but she didn't push up from it.
10. Olivia is still wearing 9 month clothes but some are getting tight and short. Looks like it will be time to wash 12 month clothes soon!
11. We still take 2 naps. Still one morning and afternoon (if we are lucky). I know soon we will have to transition to one nap.
12. Olivia can turn on and off light switches. She loves turning off the light after her bath!
13. Olivia can close the door to the bathroom. When we go into the bathroom to take a bath she knows to shut the door!
14. Last but not least loves the bathroom. Olivia loves to flush the toilet and today I caught her with the toilet paper. She can stand outside her bathtub and watches the water fill up. Since we take baths in the big tub now, she likes to stand in the tub and touch the water coming out of the faucet.
We can't believe that she is growing up so fast. Birthday planning is on the horizon!
Here is the bathroom disaster...
The crime scene |
Busted!! (went to get the camera and the fugitive went back in) |
Did I do that? |
Let me touch some more! |
Making meany face in the mirror. |
Ok nice face... am I in trouble? |
Love my book shelf! |
I love books! |
Sitting in the glider! |
Having fun! |
This was as close as I could get to an 11 month old shot! |