We still can't believe that Olivia is 7 months old. It seems just like yesterday we were waking up 3-4 times a night and so exhausted we couldn't function. Olivia has gone from this teeny tiny baby to such a big girl already. Here are some things she can do at 7 months old.
1. Sit by herself.
2. Go from sitting to her tummy (today she almost went from tummy to sitting)
3. Bang on things. She likes to bang things together.
4. Sit in her bathtub and sit while having her hair dried.
5. Eating- some days are really good and some days are not. If it is a good day she will take almost 24 oz of formula plus oatmeal/fruit in the morning, yogurt for lunch, and oatmeal/veggie for dinner.
She also finally likes to eat puffs.
6. Drink water from a sippy cup. She finally figured it out and likes to have water with her meals.
7. Scoot/Leap Frog- She finally can propel herself forward towards objects she wants. Tonight I got her to go almost to the hallway across the living room.
8. Sing/talk in the car. She sometimes sings/talks in the car. Other times she sleeps or looks out the window and once in awhile she will cry in the car.
9. Napping- still is taking 2 naps- one in the morning and one in the afternoon. They are seeming to change in length though...and getting shorter.
10. Touching/Pulling things- she is very curious about things- touching the placemats at the table, touching our faces, and exploring whatever she can get her hands on.
11. Crying- when she is lonely or just plain unhappy about something. We are not sure if it is the whole stranger anxiety or teething or what...
12. Still NO TEETH though! I have given up on when they will appear.
Can't wait to see what she does in the next month!!
Before bed |
I am tired! |
Well maybe not too tired! |