Saturday, May 4, 2013

Super Soggy Saturday

It has rained, and rained, and rained all is depressing.  This morning we went to see Brendon at his bike race.  It was soggy and everyone was dirty, and muddy, and soaked.  We only stayed a little bit because it was so wet.  Thankfully they stopped the race at 2:00.  It was really dangerous for them to be out there riding.  So happy Brendon is home and they even got first place today!


Friday, May 3, 2013

Open Door/Close Door

Our new favorite the door, close the door.  Last night she shut all the doors upstairs and then opened them all.  Tonight she played open door/close door with Jake for quite awhile.  Poor Jake...all he wanted to do was nap. Olivia thought it was hilarious.  Sometimes she even would close the door with her in it.  I will have to get a video of it some time.  She was quite entertained to say the least. 

After school we made a quick stop at Target for some rain boots.  It is supposed to rain for the next 3 over rain! That means we will have to find some crafty things to do the next couple of days!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

It all comes out in the bath

Had two surprises tonight.  I was working on Mother's Day crafts with Olivia tonight and handed her a pen and told her to draw in a card.  She picked up the pen and said, "I am going to draw an a."  She held the pen with a grip and slowly formed a circle, stopped, and tried to draw the line coming down.  I was so surprised! I think she worked on that at Susan's house today!

Then while taking a bath she told me that she gave Dylan a hug and a kiss today.  She said he was crying and he was sad.  She said he didn't want to take a nap! I guess that is her time to share her all comes out in the bath!

Trying on mommy's shoes!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dinner with friends

I have been good the past few weeks at going to the late Gymboree class.  We meet our friends- Griffin, Ethan, and tonight Violet, sometimes Kenny and have dinner.  Sometimes Olivia eats and sometimes she doesn't.  I think it depends on what she has at Susan's house.  Tonight she didn't eat...oh well I did.  She drank some milk though.  It is fun having dinner with all its craziness with our friends each week.  There are the battles of sitting down, throwing food, not eating, and all the usual toddler antics.  But even though I am pretty tired, I really do enjoy seeing and eating with our friends and then going to Gymboree.  I think I will enjoy it more once school is done...tick tock..15 days until the year is over!! Yipee!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The crying...the 2 year molars...??

Ugh...the crying last night...from 8 until 10 was the worst...crying off an on every 30- 45 minutes.  This better be from the molar... I ended up giving her some Ibuprofen around 10 pm cause there was nothing else I could really do for her...poor thing.  She woke up twice after that 1:30ish and 4:30ish.  But still we are very tired!! A full night of rest would do us both good.

Brendon said she was fine most of the day today and she was fine for me.  She only cried when I told her we had to come inside to make dinner.  After dinner we did some of the cookie sheet activities I found on Pinterest.  The Dollar Store sells cheap cookie sheets that are perfect.  I printed out some pages, bought some puff balls and magnet tape...voila.  Olivia loved the rainbow activity.  I also printed some that have magnetic letters to go with them. She has been doing the letter one for about a week so the rainbow was really interesting to her to match the colors.  She pretty much figured it out by herself.  It was interesting to watch her do it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

15 Minutes of Underwear Fame

We are tired.  Olivia was up again last night crying about 4:30ish.  We tried taking turns...I ended up resting (I never fell asleep on her floor).  Then when my alarm clock went off Brendon took over.  Not sure what is going on now...but we are tired...almost zombie like.  Brendon said they had a good day though.  She was a little fussy for me tonight...some off and on crying over nothing. 

The magical part of tonight was I got her to wear some big girl underwear for 15 minutes! I distracted her with some toys and then when we went into the bathroom to take a bath...then she peed in her underwear and got upset.  I did not get upset and showed her in her book about the girl having the accident and that it is ok. Well that was a magical 15 minutes...

Gotta go...someone is already fussing in her bed....already....

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Shawn's Confirmation

Today it was pretty yucky outside.  It rained...looked like rain...the lots of rain throughout the day.  Brendon left about 3 o'clock to go with Shawn to the church for Shawn's confirmation.  Olivia was napping and I got ready. I left about 4:30 to meet them all at the church.

I was so proud of Brendon being Shawn's sponsor for his confirmation.  Their family has really become our family.  Rick and Karyn are Olivia's Godparents and love her so much.  The mass was really good and the Archbishop asked each candidate a question.  Some were hard, some were funny, and sometimes he let the candidates ask him a question.  I think Shawn was most nervous about the question part.  The question he got asked was why did he pick Brendon as his sponsor.  He made a long story short of how we were neighbors and that his parents are Olivia's Godparents etc. I am so glad Brendon got to share this moment with Shawn!

After the mass we went back to their house for a bite to eat and of course cake! It was nice to spend time with them on this special day.