Saturday, December 14, 2013

1st Dance Recital

Went into the dance recital with little or no expectations...therefore I was surprised.  At first on the stage she sat on her circle...finally when it got to the jumping part she participated and had fun.  The take 1 video is sitting on her circle and take 2 is much better.  I was proud that she didn't cry on the stage and she liked it!

Friday, December 13, 2013


Got some videos of the train count down and the tree countdown!  So cute!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Loving Chirstmas Lights

Olivia is obsessed with Christmas lights.  When we are in the car she likes to look for them.  She also loves the lights on our house and our neighbor's house.  She also loves our Christmas tree lights and likes to countdown from 10-1 and plug the tree in.  I need to get that on video.  It is super cute.  I think she is very excited about Christmas and asked me today if she could open a present and I told her she had to wait until Santa comes...which she thinks he is coming every day!

Every year with the holidays is getting better and better =)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

To whoever you are....

We live in a different world in 2013.  There are so many things and items that people want instead of need.  Today I experienced that myself.  Someone felt the need to want something but used my debit card to obtain what they wanted.  I admit it made me sick at stomach did a total belly flop.  I don't understand...I know people have issues...but still...why me? I probably have never met you, never done anything to hurt your feelings or you personally, but you have done something to me.  I feel violated.  I know that this person probably doesn't know that the precious money they spent on video games and what not, is our/my hard earned money that we/I have worked for, pay for groceries and bills for.  So to whomever you are...enjoy all that if that makes you happy for the moment.  Because I am sure whatever video games you are playing, you will lose interest in and not play forever.  But maybe if you would have just asked, I would have helped you but instead you stole from me/us. 

As I sat at the kitchen table with a police officer dissecting my every purchase, and my child quietly napped, you probably were out having fun and may never know what you have caused today. I am thankful for some things today...the bank for calling me, Brendon for being supportive and helpful, my mom and Bill listen to me cry (I did good until I called them!), and for Olivia who told me, "I love you!" before bed.  Those things you cannot take from me...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Proud of her artwork

Olivia was pretty miserable for Brendon this morning.  She usually wakes up before I leave for work and goes potty with me.  Well today she didn't wake up and I left for work (I was NOT going to wake her up!) So when she did wake up she gave Brendon a really hard time about going potty...crying, screaming...the whole tantrum show! But she finally went.

We had lunch together and then she helped me get some student gifts together.  She is a great helper! After rest time she was super happy! She wanted to do her stamps and color.  She then said, "Take my picture with my stamps!" So we did and she said, "Cheese! Big smile!"

I had to laugh because before bed tonight she was telling herself to wake up after mommy takes a shower and when she hears the blow dryer...I guess she has a plan for tomorrow morning already!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Rain, rain, go away!

It rained again has been like a week of rain...we are tired of it.  I think my students are tired of it.  Today it was cold and rainy an even better combo.  Olivia keeps looking outside and saying, "'s still wet!" She wants to play outside!

Today we cleaned and packed away some of her toys that she doesn't really play with anymore. I was happy and sad at the same time.  Happy to put some of it away and know that she is growing up.  Even she was calling them baby toys.  I was sad because she is growing up so fast and those toys used to be so fun for her! Now we just wait for Santa to bring her some big girl toys! Sniff, sniff...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Party

Last night we had our group Christmas party.  It was such a good time and Olivia had so much fun.  There was yummy food, good desserts, laughter, and of course a few tears.  We are so blessed to have such great friends!

Great group of friends and mommies!
Don't ask why but she wanted to get in Ethan's crib...and then all the kids wanted to get in
Sweet ice cream set from Emma!