Wednesday, December 11, 2013

To whoever you are....

We live in a different world in 2013.  There are so many things and items that people want instead of need.  Today I experienced that myself.  Someone felt the need to want something but used my debit card to obtain what they wanted.  I admit it made me sick at stomach did a total belly flop.  I don't understand...I know people have issues...but still...why me? I probably have never met you, never done anything to hurt your feelings or you personally, but you have done something to me.  I feel violated.  I know that this person probably doesn't know that the precious money they spent on video games and what not, is our/my hard earned money that we/I have worked for, pay for groceries and bills for.  So to whomever you are...enjoy all that if that makes you happy for the moment.  Because I am sure whatever video games you are playing, you will lose interest in and not play forever.  But maybe if you would have just asked, I would have helped you but instead you stole from me/us. 

As I sat at the kitchen table with a police officer dissecting my every purchase, and my child quietly napped, you probably were out having fun and may never know what you have caused today. I am thankful for some things today...the bank for calling me, Brendon for being supportive and helpful, my mom and Bill listen to me cry (I did good until I called them!), and for Olivia who told me, "I love you!" before bed.  Those things you cannot take from me...


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