Well today started out with Olivia being vertical in her crib. She has been moving a lot in her crib lately. So it is funny to see her wake in a whole different location.
We made it to church this morning and Olivia was mostly good (a little crying) but needed a quick diaper change in the middle of the service. While at church I always say a prayer and thank God for blessing us with Olivia and to keep her healthy and strong. I also prayed today for a roll over. Well we know that Olivia is always going to be stubborn- it started when she was born- hello- she was sunny side up! Well of course she is going to be stubborn and not want to roll from her tummy to back which is much easier, so today she decided to start rolling from back to tummy. It all happened when I was talking to Grandma Debbie (my mom) on the phone and Brendon was vacuuming the pool. Olivia was playing on her mat like usual and I kept seeing her try to roll, well all of a sudden she rolled over! I was like of course... I was not prepared with the camera! So the rest of the day was spent with more roll over attempts and a few roll overs. We got her to roll over in her crib which was followed by lots of cheering! We have lots of video of rolling attempts but none of actual roll overs!
So today was a BIG day! We can't believe how much and how fast she is changing!
After the roll over!!

Today I tried oatmeal...I did a little better.

I love my spoon!