On Sunday we had a nice relaxing day. Aunt Kara and Uncle Scott and the kids left to go back home. We were so sad when they left but had such a good time with them. Delaney was such a great babysitter and Aunt Kara too! We really didn't do to much on Sunday. We napped and got to see the Korem Family. They came over to visit. Too bad Olivia slept almost the entire time they were here.
Hanging out with grandpa on Relaxing Sunday

Today we had lots of fun. This morning Olivia woke up super early. Brendon was a great daddy and tried to get me back to sleep but that just didn't work. I played and ate and then finally took a nap. After my nap we went to Sonic. Grandpa Bill wanted to try some of their hot dogs. Olivia was such a good girl. She liked to look around at Sonic at all the cars and people. After we got home we decided to go swimming. Olivia is finally big enough for her little float with some assistance still. She did so great and even was laughing in the pool. Then Grandma and Melissa went to Zumba with Karson's mom so it was 2 dudes and a baby at home. It was a great day!!
Hanging out with Grandma this morning.

In the pool with mommy and daddy!

Mommy and Olivia

Grandpa and I before getting in the pool.

Playing with mommy. I just love to stand up!

All done swimming!