So Olivia is starting the Hair Club for Babies... you know like the Hair Club for Men. All of a sudden last week her beautiful hair started falling out and her scalp got all dry. I think she has a mild case of cradle cap but it is making me so sad that she is losing her beautiful hair. I can already see the new hair growing in so hopefully it will grow REALLY quick! Grandma and I scrubbed her scalp a little bit and I have been working on it for the past 2 nights. WebMd suggested to put some baby oil an hour before washing her hair and then wetting and using a brush to kind of scrub at it. It looked a little better today, we will see what tomorrow brings.
Where is my hair going??

Also we have been working on rolling over so much!! I have just about given up practicing with her. Today we had about 5-6 attempts of it. It is funny because in her crib she rolls to her side to why not keep on rolling on over!! Oh well we know it will happen soon!! Hopefully sooner than later!
Attempt #1

Attempt #2

Attempt #3

Attempt #4

Just a funny picture. We always read the newspaper every day so I gave Olivia a section this morning. She looked quite interested!
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