Last night we made the trek to Stone Mountain to see the Laser Light Show with the whole family. This technically would be one of Olivia's first outings. She has been to restaurants and stores but never to something that is fun. She did great on the car ride there and even walking to the lawn. Once we got to the lawn Olivia was just a hot mess. She just started crying and just would not calm down. I was just going to walk her around and possibly even walk back to the car. I guess someone made the decision to have Brendon and I just go home. Once I started walking around with her she was fine until the big boom of a firework scared her. I guess maybe next year or even in a few years we will take her back. But we learned our lesson. We thought she would just sleep through it like 4th of July but I guess not! So this adventure was an epic fail. We did not even get any pictures of her there. I think Aunt Kara got some so she will have to share those with us.
Here are some other pictures from yesterday!
Trying to hold my own bottle

Hanging out with grandma

Standing on grandpa

Fun with grandma and grandpa

Going high in the sky with grandpa
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