A friend of mine from way long time ago- we are talking Girl Scout age had a great idea on her blog. Each month she sets goals for herself. Then the following month she revisits the goals to see if she has met those goals. So I decided that I would like to set some goals too! Thanks Mindy for the great idea... you can check out her blog under the My Blog List - it is called Mindful Mindy's Musings.
Goals for October-
1. This goal is something that I set the other night because it is my down fall every year. I am NOT going to buy any candy. It seems from Halloween until Easter I love to eat candy. M and M's are my downfall and for some odd reason all the holiday M and Ms taste so much better than regular M and Ms and I never buy them on a regular basis. So it started with not buying any Halloween candy but then I thought about it- there is Christmas candy, Valentine candy, and Easter candy....so NO Candy for me! Please stop me if you see me attempt to eat it. I admit I bought some candy today for a lesson and I will NOT eat the candy!!
2. Lose 2 pounds. I have 7 pounds to go... I hope not eating the candy will help!
3. Run 3 times a week. I am running about 2 times a week... I need to do better.
4. Try to go for walks with Olivia in the afternoons. I always try to do this but usually something comes up or naps and eating aren't cooperating!
5. Finish a book and start another. My Nook is getting dusty. I have read the last 2 nights though.
6. Go see some friends. I miss a lot of my friends. Friday night was usually girls night. Now girls night is Olivia and I which is fun but I miss a lot of my friends.
So that is it. Let's see if that happens!!
Olivia's Goals-
1. Get teeth
2. Crawl
3. Talk more
Playing with my book |
Knocking over the stacking cups. |