Saturday, October 8, 2011

Change is Difficult

Everyone knows that change is difficult and that it takes time to adjust.  Today was one of those days. Olivia graduated from the Level 1 Play and Learn class at Gymboree because she can sit on her own, so today was our first adventure to Level 2.  I admit I was a little apprehensive about it.  I really enjoyed my Wednesday class and made some friends with other mommies.  There was just three of us in the class today.  There was another mom that was in the Wednesday class that came so I felt a little better. A lot of the activities involved crawling or crawling motions and Olivia is just not there yet.  She could do all the stuff that involved sitting, so I felt today was a little bit hard and even questioned my choice of starting her in the Level 2 class.  But I remember feeling this same way the first time we went to Gymboree and seeing all the other babies doing more stuff than Olivia.  I also have to remember that Olivia was 4 weeks early! She was 20 hours late of being considered a premie.  So I have to keep that in mind, and that her development may or may not be what a typical baby is doing.  We are so proud of all the milestones she has mastered so far.  We know the crawling and everything else will come when she is ready.  Even thought our schedule was all out of whack today she did great and hardly fussed at all.  Even though she took a catnap on me about 5:15 p.m. after her dinner bottle.  I think she finally gave in to being tired. 

Playing after Gymboree today

This morning she managed to scoot herself underneath the Pack and Play.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Goals for October

A friend of mine from way long time ago- we are talking Girl Scout age had a great idea on her blog.  Each month she sets goals for herself.  Then the following month she revisits the goals to see if she has met those goals.  So I decided that I would like to set some goals too! Thanks Mindy for the great idea... you can check out her blog under the My Blog List - it is called Mindful Mindy's  Musings.

Goals for October-

1. This goal is something that I set the other night because it is my down fall every year.  I am NOT going to buy any candy.  It seems from Halloween until Easter I love to eat candy.  M and M's are my downfall and for some odd reason all the holiday M and Ms taste so much better than regular M and Ms and I never buy them on a regular basis.  So it started with not buying any Halloween candy but then I thought about it- there is Christmas candy, Valentine candy, and Easter NO Candy for me! Please stop me if you see me attempt to eat it.  I admit I bought some candy today for a lesson and I will NOT eat the candy!!

2. Lose 2 pounds.  I have 7 pounds to go... I hope not eating the candy will help!

3. Run 3 times a week.  I am running about 2 times a week... I need to do better.

4. Try to go for walks with Olivia in the afternoons.  I always try to do this but usually something comes up or naps and eating aren't cooperating!

5. Finish a book and start another.  My Nook is getting dusty.  I have read the last 2 nights though.

6. Go see some friends.  I miss a lot of my friends.  Friday night was usually girls night.  Now girls night is Olivia and I which is fun but I miss a lot of my friends.

So that is it.  Let's see if that happens!!

Olivia's Goals-

1. Get teeth

2. Crawl

3. Talk more

Playing with my book

Knocking over the stacking cups.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Everyone is tired

Today everyone in this house is tired.  Brendon had to work REALLY late last night and arrived home this morning 2 minutes before my alarm went off.  Brendon called about 3:00 a.m. to tell me he was going to know. About 10 minutes before he called Olivia decided she wanted to play and was talking and kicking in her crib.  Thankfully after the phone call she went back to sleep.  But then at 4:45 Jake decided that he had to go to the bathroom.  Nothing like taking to dog out at 4:45 a.m. So everyone is tired today.  Brendon got some sleep on and off during the morning until I came home and he mostly slept this afternoon.  I was so tired I fell asleep also for about 45 minutes.

In other news today- Olivia was much happier today.  She ate well and there was minimal fuss.  She tried her sippy cup again and took about 4-5 sips I think.  Still no teeth and still no crawling yet.  Just waiting for those milestones to occur!

checking out the bowl after lunch

This yogurt was so good mommy!

I am so much happier today! and NO that is not a tooth...that is a reflection off of drool!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Wowzers... Olivia has taken on the attribute both Brendon and I are both guilty of... being stubborn.  She is killing me with the eating and no eating.  Yesterday she woofed down close to 28 oz of formula plus all of her cereal in the morning and the evening.  Today.... not so much.  It took me several attempts to try to get her to take her formula this afternoon and in the early evening.  Golly she is stubborn.  She would take an ounce and then fuss.  Hopefully it is just this teething thing which I am totally over with at the moment.  Those babies just need to pop out for our sanity.  But we did have a success yesterday and today- yesterday she took a few sips of water from the sippy cup and today she took like 2 sips again.  She still isn't too sure about it...but hey that is better than nothing.

Playing in my ducky sleeper

Mostly the face I got today...

I will at least try to play with my toys,

Olivia- Mrs. Fussy Face

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Up All Night

Yes we have been watching the show "Up All Night" and can relate to many of the story lines of the show.  But literally last night, we were up all night.  Of course Olivia waits to do this on a night where I have to be up at 5:15 a.m. for parent conferences.  It started at 2:45 a.m.  little bit of crying/whining- I rolled her over and back to sleep.  3:45 a.m. crying/screaming...Bren tried to rock her and I decided...maybe she is hungry- and that she was.  So I fed her 5 oz at 4:00 a.m.  I finally fell back to sleep at 4:20ish and woke up an hour later.  About 6:15 a.m. when I was leaving she was crying again. Bren was in her room trying to rock her and got her to go back to sleep for a little longer.  It was a fussy morning for him.  She was fussy when I got home and her eating schedule was all out of whack.  She did eat a lot for me this afternoon and seem to cheer up a little.  Not many happy pictures of her today and there is a video coming of her new thing of whining/screaming... fun times!

Olivia Fussy Face

I am really trying to be happy mommy

Trying to get in the crawling position

I just like to do push ups instead...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Long Day with Daddy

Today was a long day with daddy while mommy worked all day.  I helped daddy make a special brew today. Mommy was so happy to see me when she got home.  I laughed and laughed with her for a little bit and then we played. I got a little fussy tonight but I think I was just hungry for my oatmeal and carrots.  I had fun with daddy today but I sure missed my mommy.

Reading the paper with daddy in the morning.

Helping dad with his special brew.

Holding a bag of hops for dad.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Not a good luck charm today

Today I was not a good luck charm.  The Bills lost.  They probably lost because I took my nap and missed the last 1/2 of the game.  Oh well...maybe next week.

I went to church today and boy was it chilly.  I wore my ruffle pants and a hoodie today.  I was pretty good today except when I woke up from my afternoon nap I would not stop crying and fussing for daddy.  But when mommy got home I was better. 

I got to wear some warm jammies tonight because it is chilly again.  Tomorrow it is daddy and me day.  Mommy has to work ALL day tomorrow.  I am going to miss her.


My ruffle bum

More pictures from the farm yesterday

Joan and I at the farm yesterday

Me chilling in the stroller at the farm yesterday.