We got up bright and early today at 5 am to make it to Atlanta for Olivia's surgery. We went to the Children's Hospital of Atlanta the Scottish Rite location but the Meridian Mark building. We had to be there at 7:10 a.m. so we left about 5:55. For a Friday there was traffic...usually traffic is a bit lighter on Fridays, but I guess where we were heading there is always traffic!
We got there and got checked in and Olivia played for a few minutes. Then the nurse did her vitals and we got to go in a little room. They brought Olivia a nice warm gown and we played in the room for about an hour. I got her to go potty right before they came to take her back. Brendon ended up going back with her and said she was asleep in about 10 seconds after they put the mask on. She did have to have an I.V. but they did that after she was asleep. So the doctor came back after about 30 minutes and said the right tear duct was obstructed and she could feel it but the left one was clear. Amazingly before the surgery this week her eyes looked AWESOME with no gunk! Even the doctor said how much better they looked from seeing her 2 weeks ago!
Here we are Pre-op and waiting |
They brought her back from recovery and she was grumpy. We got her to drink some juice and she drank a whole juice box. We thought she was fine and started getting her dressed....not so fine...and she vomited the juice up. So then we got her all cleaned up and waited a bit longer. Then she seemed fine. They gave us a bag just in case she got sick on the way home. Well glad we had that bag because she threw up a few times on the way home. I couldn't wait to get out of the car! So once we got home we got her cleaned up and got all the stuff in the washer. Then she ate some crackers and we had soup a bit later and everything stayed down. She did NOT NAP this afternoon. I was hoping to get a nap myself...but nope...so I am going to bed soon myself! So we just played and I needed to shower before the dance at school tonight. She started sneezing a ton this afternoon so I hope she is not getting another cold =(
We went to the Valentine's Day dance at school. The music was a bit loud but I got Olivia to dance a little bit. Then we had restroom duty to make sure people were using the restroom appropriately. Then we came home. I was worried about her on the way home because she was quiet...but I think she was tired.
We have some pretty special friends and Olivia is one lucky girl! Karyn and Kristy brought her a card, Chocolate Chip Muffins, and A Minnie Mouse toy. Griffin sent us a little stuff dog toy in a cute purse, and Emily's daddy brought Olivia some flowers from Emily!