I am running on empty...the fuel is low...the to do list at home and school is forever long (trust me the school one is pages upon pages) and seems never ending. I feel like I am on autopilot moving from one task to the next...but there is light at the end of the tunnel....5 more days of school. But there is a lot to get done and already thinking about things for next school year. I know people think...you get 2 whole months off...yes we do...but most of us start planning for next year and work on school stuff during the summer.
Olivia keeps asking me when school is over. We are trying to teach her the days of the week and try to pick and activity or some sort of landmark or something to help her understand which day is which. For example- Friday- mommy wears her tiger shirt to school and she goes shopping with daddy. Mondays we have soccer etc. But at night she always asks, "Is there school tomorrow?" I know she misses me in the morning and I know that next year will be even more tough...but it will be fine...it has to be...that is just the way life goes.
But going to bed soon...I am about out of fuel for today...
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago