Friday, November 21, 2014

Strep Day 2

The Strep and fever saga continues...fever still on and off today.  She has her 2nd dose of medicine in.  Probably in the last hour and 45 minutes has been the best so far.  She has been pretty miserable and that fever crept back up about 6ish like usual.  But she did take a bath and was fine with it tonight and ate some toast before bed. 

Last night she woke up about 3 am and came into our bedroom and needed more water- she at least listened to me when I said drink some water if you wake up.  Then I heard her a little later get up and go potty by herself. 

Hoping for a better feeling child tomorrow....

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Boo...Olivia has Strep.  So not fun.  Especially for me at night...2 worrisome nights in a row.  Last night about 5:45 she started getting the shivers and she did the same tonight...mega scary. Brendon took her to the doctor this morning after she told me this morning, after her checking her temp again that her throat was hurting after she drank some water.  This fever thing is noooo joke though.  After the shivers tonight it started climbing back up.  Tried getting her to drink as much as possible which was no easy task and she didn't want a snack and she is in bed already...yes at 8:00 p.m. which is NOT like her at all.  But she has one dose of medicine in and I gave her some we will see how it goes...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sad Pilgrim

Today was a CRAZY day! Olivia was very excited for her Thanksgiving celebration at Susan's house today.  Then while at work, the front office buzzed in my room that I needed to call Susan immediately.  So I got my neighbor teacher to watch my room...Olivia had a fever of 103 =( So after scrambling, some tears, and my kids who were so patient, I went and got her. 

When I came in all the kids were sitting at the table dressed as Pilgrims waiting for their turkey.  Olivia turned around in her seat and her face broke my heart.  With her Pilgrim hat in all she had this sad pouty face and all she said was, "I wanna go home mommy!" Then I just hugged her and started crying too.  She drank lots of water on the way home and we had some soup and then rested. 

The very sad Pilgrim (literally taken about 2 minutes before I got there)

I have checked her temp a million was down for the longest time and then around 5:45ish it started to climb and she started shivering.  I was a hot mess...called Brendon, called my mom.  Finally her temp went back up to 100.7 and I gave her some Ibuprofen.  There are moments I can tell she feels better- talking and playing and other times she a frumper.

I have a feeling that it may be a long night...she has had no other complaints except that she said it felt like someone was poking at her tummy.  So we will see....hope she is better tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thank a Teacher

This week is National Educator's Week.  I rarely if ever write about my job as a teacher.  There are my reasons like getting fired etc.  But today I will share one school story that made the teacher heart in me smile and overflow.  At school we have the students make thank you cards to any teacher in the school.  Today I received one that made me realize that maybe I really do make an impact and make a difference.

It is hard to read so I will type it (yes in kid type).

Dear Mrs. Barth,
thank you for teaching me measurement, you never let me down! Thank you for theching me my dobbles because now I doing multiplication.. Even though I made many mistakes you helped me fix them. thank you for all you've done.

Thank you to this student and so many other students who I have taught.  When you get a note like this, it makes the job worth it. 

I am not sure if I ever thanked any of the teachers that I had in school.  But now that I think about it, I probably should have. I remember some of their names but not all...but I would like to thank a few that I had:

Kindergarten: Ms. Locie (probably spelled that wrong...hey it was kindergarten...give me a break!!). Thank you for teaching me and helping me learn my shapes. I loved your long Crystal Gale like hair!

1st grade- Mrs. O'Brien- thank you for being so patient and teaching me to read.

2nd grade- Mrs. Skotnicki- thank you for letting me clean the erasers and clean the board.  I still remember learning to write so nice and neat.

3rd grade- Ms. Tallarico- you really tried to make our learning fun and made us laugh

4th grade- Mrs. Strong- I loved your record player and letting us play The Byrds "Turn, turn, turn." I still remember when me and a friend rode our bikes to your house because we wanted to see what you do when you weren't at school!

5th grade- Mr. Baumgartner- Even though you made us miss the bus and I I had to walk home in the freezing cold snow, it was our whole classes fault...we were talking toooo much!

Teachers at ETMS- great group of teachers! There was lots of phenomenal talent of teachers in middle school in all subjects that worked so hard! Mrs. Bauer and Mrs. Braham rocked 6th grade! I also loved Home Economics and making a fabric bag and our awesome dinner that we cooked!

Teachers at NWSHS- Mr. Pachla- Precalculus...I really enjoyed that class in high school and was so bummed to have to retake it in college which was NOT fun! Should have followed your it right the first time! Mrs. Becht- you saw that I had a chance to be a great math student! Mrs. D'Angelo...I took all that French and I now I remember bits and pieces but I remember how to ask where the library is! I had lots of great teachers in high school who helped me get prepared for college.

So take a moment and say a thank a past or present teacher.  Trust me a simple "Thank You" goes a long way!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

That's not fun

Olivia is in this "That's not fun" stage.  I don't want to go here because that's not fun.  Every time we try to go somewhere....that's not class...not fun, church....not fun, gymnastics...not fun, coming home....not fun.  So finally the other day I started asking her well what is FUN!!!

In no particular order....

I don't want to go home...that's not fun...I want to go to Kristy's house. 

I don't want to go home....that's not fun...I want to go to Mema and Pepa's house.

I don't want to go to dance class...its not fun...I want to stay home. (Same with gymnastics)

She can't make up her mind...but I am pretty tired of hearing the words...not fun.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cold Weekend cold this weekend and Tuesday is going to be even colder!! Yikes! My brain has still not shifted to winter mode. Brendon went hunting yesterday morning and it was so cold....Olivia and I were warm and snuggly inside.  I ran in the afternoon but it was still only 46 degrees and windy.  Today wasn't much better...Brendon went for a bike ride and I ran and then Brendon went back out and hunted.  He saw lots of deer...shot once...but missed and hit a tree so he has found where they are hanging he has his spot picked out for next time!

Time to get under a blanket and work on lesson plans!