Well today was day one of being 1! The morning was good and she was super happy BEFORE we went to the doctor. We went for Olivia's 1 year check up. She did really well waiting patiently for the doctor. I brought some books and snacks to keep her entertained. The doctor said that she looked great and was developing like she should!
Here are her stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 8.5 oz (25-50th percentile)- I was really hoping for 20 pounds!
Height: 29 1/4 inches (50-75th percentile)
Head Circumference 46 1/4 cm (75-90th percentile)
The doctor said we can go ahead and go off baby food and she can eat what we eat except for peanut butter. She said to wait until 18 months- 2 years. We also can start whole milk! Yippee! We have to wean her off the formula which should take a few weeks so I am hoping we have enough formula to last. Olivia also got 3 shots and one toe prick! Ouch- Not Happy! The doctor also notice her top teeth area was swollen and said that they should be coming soon.
But after the doctor she was a hot mess. I brought her home and put her down for a nap. I ended up letting her sleep because she was so tired and we missed Kindermusik =( I woke her up about 5:10 and she was not happy. She did drink her formula but when it came to dinner time- she pitched a fit. She was crying off and on after the formula so I figured she was just hungry- not so much. I threw most of it away! I was so sad and she was just miserable! So we played and took a bath and then she drank her whole bottle before bed- maybe she regretted not eating dinner!
This was last night before bed. She has big girl jammies on and snuggling with her Lamby! |
Being cute on the scale |
I am a big girl! |
Holding her at the doctor's office is near impossible- thank goodness the blinds were cheap entertainment! |
Open, close, open, close |