We had lots of fun discoveries today.
1. 1st boo boo- somehow when she was bee-bopping around in her crib for a nap she hit her head. So she has a little red mark. Before she went to bed it looked way better than it did earlier.
2. She learned to stand in the crib this afternoon. When I went to go check on her during her nap because she was crying/making noise there she was standing in her crib! I put her back in it later and sure enough she pulled herself right up! Yikes!
3. We got one piece of a finger food to the mouth. Granted it was a huge apple wheel thing but she got it there!
4. Also she leaned forward in her bathtub tonight and started splashing. It was funny to watch!
5. I pulled out her Leapfrog learning table and she loved it! Her little legs were shaking from standing. She did not want to sit down!
My boo boo! |
Standing in the crib! |
Playing with my activity table! |