Today and for the next few Fridays it is Mommy and Olivia day! We spent ALL day even started at 6:30 a.m. I tried to get her to snuggle back in bed with me but that just wasn't happening. So we got up and ate breakfast. We played for a bit, had a snack, and then went grocery shopping. Olivia was GREAT at the 2 stores. I think the most difficult part was when I got home. I unloaded the groceries and then got her out of the car. Olivia helped me put the groceries away. She has come quite resourceful and hands me things. Olivia also helped unload the dishwasher and helped with laundry. I got her to put laundry into the dryer and then close the door. After dinner we played outside for quite a long time. We even took a walk down the street and to see Kristy and Karyn!
Here is a recap for today:
* 3 loads of laundry
* 3 meals prepared
* 2 snacks
* 2 stores
* 1 emptying of the dishwasher
* 1 filling and running the dishwasher
* 1 round of washing dishes
* 1 gas station with NO tears!
* 1 nap
* Can't even remember how many diapers but I got my fair share
* Maybe 3 or 4 crying episodes...over nothing...
* Endless amount of cuteness and fun!
Playing with her phone |
I guess we better get used to this.... |