Saturday, June 9, 2012

Snellvile Farmers Market

This morning we headed out to the Snellville Farmers Market! We got there early because we know that they sell out of! We got there about 8:30 and met Michelle, Brad, and Nikki and Wendy and Emma.  The kids were great.  Olivia rode in Nikki's wagon for a bit.  Emma was pretty tired from getting teeth and waking up lots during the night.  We bought some veggies, peaches, some Challah bread, and tamales.  Olivia then wanted to walk around.  So I let her down and she walked all over.  Fun but scary.

After the market we came home and had a snack then played and had lunch.  Then the rest of the day was like usual- nap, snack, play, and dinner.  Brendon took Olivia and the pool and she did some kicking.  It was fun!  Too bad the next 5-6 days it is going to rain....booooo!

Nikki and Olivia in the wagon
Playing in the wagon
Olivia walking around


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