I am becoming such a big girl! I went to Kroger today and I stayed awake. Lots of people peeked at me and said how cute I was.
I also sat in my bouncy seat twice today and did not cry! I actually had some fun in it.
Wahoo!! Fun!!

Doing the low wave

Blowing some bubbles!

Also mommy decided to try not to swaddle me tonight for bed time. I keep busting out of the swaddle anyways and my arms end up out of it. So as of 9:53 p.m. there has been no fuss. There was a little whining about an hour ago but I just got over that.
I am in my sleeper tonight...hopefully

uh oh...I can move my arms...

I also graduated in my bath tub. I now just lay back in the tub with the little support in it. It was fun!