Consignment season is open! I never knew what consignment sales were until my friend Michele told me about them and how you can get some super deals on clothes and toys. I went to my first one last year when I was pregnant and picked up some pretty good deals. I have gone to a few and so has Brendon to find toys and clothes for Olivia. There is kind of an art to it. Here is what I have found that works for me.
1. Know what you are looking for. The sales are usually by season. So a spring sale will have spring and summer clothes etc. Know what sizes you are looking for and what kinds of toys are you looking for.
2. Be patient. There are usually long lines (remember people are buying lots of stuff). There is also lots of people looking for stuff too so the aisles have lots of people.
3. Find a good time to go. The first days of a sale are crazy and find times that other people are at work etc. Refer back to number 2- be patient.
4. Know how much you are willing to pay for an item. If you know you are looking for a certain toy- price it before you go and see how much you are really saving.
5. Look for others while you are there. If you see something for friends' children etc. be a nice friend and pick the item up for them.
6. Be proud of how much you saved!
Here are some of the things I got today!
This picture does not do justice to all the clothes for Olivia from the consignment sale. |
Valentine goodies that came from Grandma and Grandpa- can't wait until we practice with the vacuum! |
New toys! |
Consignment find #1- retail about $110, I paid $40! Works perfect and is great shape! |
Consignment find #2 Playskool walk and ride, retail about $30, I paid $18. Perfect condition! |