Friday, February 17, 2012

Testing the limits

Olivia today started really testing the limits.  She LOVES the stairs.  I probably pulled her off of them about 20 times today with a, "No!" attached to it.  Didn't work.  Also she can climb up on things now.  Brendon has a rocking video game chair and she figured out how to climb up on it, sit on it, and climb it like a monkey.  She looks like she is scaling a wall. Funny but not funny.  That resulted in saying no about 20 more times today.  It was a beautiful day today and I was so happy to have today off! I got groceries done this morning, a 4 mile run, and Brendon even got a bike ride in. 

Probably the biggest disaster today happened with Jake.  I was getting Olivia out of her crib and changing her diaper after her afternoon nap.  All of a sudden I heard crashing glass! Uh oh! Jake knocked over my lovely Pyrex pan that Brendon made brownies in this morning for his bike race tomorrow.  Uh! What a mess.  So I put Jake in time out (his crate) and put Olivia in her exersaucer.  Then swept the floor, wiped the floor, and vacuumed the floor which caused loud screaming and crying from Olivia.  It was probably the worst 15 minutes I have had in a long time.  But got it all cleaned up.  I am still paranoid about the glass but that Dyson can really suck things up! I hope we make it to the park tomorrow before it rains to see Brendon in his bike race!

The stairs...out worst nightmare!

Loves to look at books!

Going from chair to drawers!

Super stretch!

Back to chair!


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