Dear Olivia,
You are 15 months old today! I can't believe it already. You are officially a toddler and not a baby anymore (well you have been a toddler for awhile now). Today we went to swimming lessons and you did great. You jumped off the side in a sitting position and even from a standing position. You also did better kicking today and you even moved your arms (almost like dog paddling). Too bad the pool was so chilly today that I took you out 5 minutes early- sorry your lips were turning blue! But I got you all warmed up quickly!
After swimming lessons you had snacks with Nikki. You are doing a great job of sharing with your friends. You took a nap on the car ride home and were very happy when daddy opened the car door when we got home. When I asked you if you wanted lunch, you replied, "Yes." We had lunch and then put you down for a short nap.
We had your 15 month appointment today and was so proud of you walking all over the office. You did not want to be weighed though today and cried on the scale =( Dr. Morgan was so happy to see you and said you are growing just fine. You sat nice in mommy's lap and let her examine you. You did not like the shots today- all 3 of them.
After the doctor's office on the way home I tried you to a trip to the Loganville Toddler Park. We went on the swings and walked for a bit. Too bad it was so hot or we would have stayed longer. We came home and I let you try your first popsicle. You wanted to bite it and not lick it. It was funny! So you had a few bites and then we had dinner- and you ate EVERYTHING!
After dinner we watered the plants and played with chalk and bubbles in the driveway. You wanted to help Karyn water her flowers and we visited with them. We ended the night with a bath and milk.
But I can't believe 15 months ago you were placed in my arms with no instructions on how to take care of you! Your daddy and I are so proud of the little person you are becoming. You love reading, sitting on couches and chairs (at home and other people's houses- Goldilocks!), and walking all over the place. You love to eat vegetables and still really don't like real fruit unless it is bananas or if mommy is eating an apple. Your vocabulary is growing every day. You know several words- fish, airplane, flower, apple, bubble, mama, dada, dog, Jake, dirty, bird, shoes, ball, and many more. You love to laugh and giggle, which I hope you do forever. You know 3 body parts- tummy, toes, and hair. You love to color with crayons! You are becoming quite a helper!!
Here is how big you are:
You weigh 20 pounds and 8 oz (25-50th percentile)
You are 31 1/4 inches tall (75-90th percentile)
You have a large head! 46 3/4 cm (75-90th percentile)
We love you so much Olivia!! Can't wait to keep seeing you grow!
Mommy and Daddy
Not happy about being weighed! |
Waiting for the doctor |
I am 15 months old! |