Friday, June 22, 2012

Impressed myself

I impressed myself today.  After I took Olivia grocery shopping- which I now consider exercise- not only do I carry all the groceries in the house with toddler in tow- but I do it at a rapid speed.  Talk about some cardio.  After last week I decided this week I was going to wear some workout clothes because I got so sweaty last week.  But it was so hot after grocery shopping- it was already 88 degrees at 11:30, I decided I was going to take Olivia in the pool all by myself.  I have been so nervous to do this, but I think I got some confidence after the swimming lessons this past week.  I made sure to have everything in hand so I didn't have to come back up to the house.  I got her down to the deck and had her sit on the side.  I told her to sit and wait for mommy and she did.  I did the key phrase from swimming lessons, "Are you ready?  1, 2, 3, jump!" and she jumped right into my arms.  So we stayed in the pool for about 20 minutes and she was great! I was so impressed with myself taking her swimming all by myself!

The funniest part of today was tonight after dinner.  She was not in the eating mood tonight so I waited to have a scoop of ice cream until she was done.  I didn't want to eat ice cream in front of her and then her want to have that and not her dinner.  So I was about 1/2 way through my scoop and she came and sat on my lap.  I was going to give her a little taste.  When I did she turned her biggie.  But then I caught the smell....gross...she pooped.  I asked her if she pooped and she did her crazy head shake.  Gotta say that I was livin' the high life tonight- you truly know your a parent when this sort of thing happens and you laugh about it- thanks Olivia.... mommy didn't need to eat the rest of that ice cram anyways!

Pointing to the eyes and nose.
Just being cute
Blurry but soooo cute!


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