Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday Grandma!

What a special day! Not only is it Father's Day but it is Grandma's birthday!!

Brendon and Olivia made it the whole night in the tent.  They came in the house about 7:15ish.  It was quite chilly this morning too.  I enjoyed the 8+ hours of sleep in the quiet house.  Brendon hear all sorts of wild animals out there- birds, dogs, and coyotes.  We ate a small breakfast and then went to church.  When we got home from church our plan was to eat quick and go to Tribble Mill Park and go fishing.  Well that didn't happened as planned...this is normal when you have a baby and you just get used to it.  When we got home and Brendon was opening his Father's Day presents Olivia was really fussy... I thought she was hot so I took off her pants and that is when I noticed the red dots! Ahh... my first thought was hives.  We gave her some prunes yesterday for the first I called the phone nurse.  She said to give her Children's Benadryl if she started itching.  She had no fever and wasn't itching so we put her down for a nap instead and she slept for about 2 hours.  Then she ate lunch and then went fishing.  We only went for an hour since it was pretty hot.  I caught a fish on the Barbie fishing pole!! We have been pretty lucky with that pole! We are 2 for 2! Olivia also learned how to say, "Bobber." It was so cute! After fishing we came home and went swimming.  We then had a very yummy dinner! I called the nurse back and told her the red dots are only on the backs of her legs and it could possibly be bug bites.  So she told us to put some Cortizone cream on them tonight. Then we Skyped with all the grandparents.

But such a good day! I hope all the dads out there had a special day and hope grandma had one too! We can't wait to give you your gift but you will have to wait until you get here!!

Brendon and Olivia- Father's Day 2012
Opening presents
Helping daddy with the cards
Catching a delicious fish!
After she touched the fish!
Now trying with daddy
Delicious dinner!!


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