I did not feel well at all today...actually I haven't fell well all this week. Super tired...not sure if it is the time change thing or what. Plus my left side where the Ectopic pregnancy was hasn't felt the best...it is hard to describe the feeling...painful but not overbearing? I don't know how I would describe it...sore? But just feels weird. If I still don't feel good on Monday I will be calling the doctor. So I did feel like crying about that today.
Then after lunch I ran to a few stores to get a few things for school. I was super hungry when I got home and I was trying to eat lunch. Olivia was being super crabby about going to the bathroom and I finally convinced her to go for a Halloween bag of M and Ms. Well she had a little pee in her underwear so she didn't get the M and Ms (mind you I am still trying to eat lunch). So Brendon said he would get her new underwear. So Olivia is whining by the kitchen table with no underwear on and I am trying to eat my turkey sandwich (all I wanted to do was eat my sandwich!!). AND THEN...she made the face...the I am going to poop face. I ran...I mean I ran like Super Woman and snatched her up and then I saw the poop coming and picked her up so fast and ran like a banshee to the bathroom. Well, when we got to the bathroom I looked....and the poop was not there...WHERE DID THE POOP GO??? AHHHHHH!! Finally Brendon comes back downstairs with the underwear and I told him she was pooping but the poop disappeared...well it didn't disappear...it landed on the kitchen floor. I don't know how I didn't step on it, in it, or even hear it. At this point I just busted out laughing...that is all I could do. I really wanted to cry at the same time and poor Olivia was kind of confused! So I got her all cleaned up, the kitchen floor cleaned up, and me all cleaned up. All I still wanted to do was finish eating lunch....sigh...welcome to the madness!! And that's how we roll in this house!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago