I don't even know where to begin this post. It was a Susan day so we were up early. The morning either goes really good or really bad. Today was an ok day. Olivia didn't whine about going potty or getting dressed. She just didn't want to eat breakfast...so we brought it in the car. She did good at Susan's except she pooped in her pants! Pooping is hit or miss with her still. She fell asleep on the way home...the car nap...grrr... When we got home she said she wanted to sleep in the recliner. So I got her all set up...then she wanted a snack...then I knew she wouldn't want to nap. Tried to get her to nap in her bed...nope. So we came downstairs, emptied the dishwasher, washed dishes, and made chocolate chip cookies. She was great until dinner time. Then it was awful meltdown time....I even cried. You know it is not good when you and your child are crying at the same time. But eventually she stopped, she didn't eat what I made, but then ate toast and bananas again. Whatever works... then we had fun the rest of the night! But I am exhausted...tantrums are exhausting...no naps are exhausting...bedtime for me soon!
The recline set up! |
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