Last week our friends Mark and Michelle welcomed their baby Emeri Kate into the world. We have been so excited for her arrival and Olivia has been very interested in Michelle and her growing tummy and when Emeri Kate will arrive.
We were so excited to go visit them last weekend and I talked a lot about Ethan being a big brother and how we have to be gentle with the baby and that she can't really play yet. Then as we pulled into the Wal-mart parking lot she looks right at me, "Why can't I have a baby sister?" I was stunned and then I really didn't know what to say. But we both blurted out, "That's just not going to happen." and of course we got, "Why?"
How do you explain to an almost 4 year old that we prayed for her so long, waited patiently, and we tried to have another baby and God's plans were just different than ours? One day when she is old enough for me to explain it, I will. I hope that she understands and doesn't go through that whole ONLY child stage. She is our miracle baby and our only baby and we are thankful and blessed every day for her.
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago