Since the end of January I started training to run the Rock and Roll Nashville Half Marathon. I printed out a training schedule and really tried to stick to it. It was hard. I was running 4 times a week and cross training 2 days. I couldn't stick to the days per say on the schedule at times but I really tried my best. Towards the end I really had a hard time with squeezing in long runs- weather, schedule, all factored in.
We left on Friday and it took forever to get there. It was traffic jam after traffic jam. We finally got there and stopped to get my race packet. Then it was off to the house we rented and to dinner, very yummy pizza!!

I had been watching the weather all week. The weather was all over the place...I prepped for rain. Then that morning when I woke up I checked the weather rain. The weather channel poured! The race was delayed due to lightning. Then finally after 2 delays it started. I went without headphones due to it raining. There was enough music along the way so I didn't mind it. But boy....was it hilly. Hill after hill after hill...I was fine until mile 10. I could feel my right calf starting to cramp. So from then on it became a run a little bit, walk to recover, run a little bit, walk to recover. I finished...2:22. Not my best but I was proud of my training and the end result. I think if my calf would have started to cramp I would have done better but I am proud of my time! Nashville was a beautiful city!
Then we did some exploring of downtown Nashville and went to the Grand Ole' Opry Saturday night.