I apologize up front that I could not get a picture of Olivia facing forward! But I did get some with the fireman hat on today.
Olivia got out of the house today. Her nose is still a little runny but much better. Her cough still sounds yucky but is less frequent. I think we are on the mend. We went to Gymboree today and I think she needed it. Staying home is fun but I think getting out made her feel better too. She did a great job walking to Gymboree from the car. She did better at class and I think over time she will remember the new sequence of class. She did wear the firefighter hat today for awhile and had fun!
Three other things before I speak to soon or jinx it. She has been doing much better with sitting in her "big girl chair" which we call it and eating. She has also gone down to bed the past few nights on her own! YAY! Maybe we are out of that phase. After she was dressed and we were getting ready to go I asked her to pick out her hair bow. I asked her the color of her shirt and asked her what color hair bow she should wear and she said, "Blue!" YAY! Color coordination! That's my girl!
Playing with the pretend hose |
Our little firefighter! |