Sunday, February 3, 2013

Go Raisins! Superbowl 2013

This year was so much fun with Olivia and the Superbowl.  She slept until about 7:30 and then ate a little breakfast and her snack later.  Brendon made a Superbowl lunch for us- hot dogs (he had a chilly dog), peas and carrots, and mac and cheese.  Olivia ate a little bit- still wanting carrots though! Then she ate some of my apple and some animal crackers.  She took a pretty good nap but then woke up screaming.  She has learned how to unzip zippers...she must have unzipped her sleepy sack a bit and then her leg got stuck so she woke up screaming.  But her leg is is a little red though.  She ate a snack and then we started prepping for the big game.  We taught her to say Superbowl and Go Ravens which turned out to be Go Raisins! Olivia ate before us and did a good job eating and sitting in her chair.  She really liked the football game and was giving some comments about the game- run fast, go, football running.  She even liked some of the commercials and we had to teach her the word commercial because she would ask where did the football game go! We let her stay up a bit later for this special event but is now tucked into bed! We loved watching the game in our jammies and as a family!

Dinner...purple shirt and Bills bib.

Game time! 


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