Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day with Mommy

Today I had a whole day with mommy!  I didn't go to Susie's house today because she was sick =( so mommy had to stay home today! Daddy went back to work today but he is still not feeling 100%.  I slept until 8:00 a.m.  Mommy was so thankful for that.   Mommy wasn't feeling the greatest either so having today off was kind of a good thing.  I ate breakfast really good- I ate 2, yes TWO pieces of toast this morning! I told mommy, "More toast!" She made it and I ate it.  Then we did something fun...we did some painting.  I did really tickled a little bit though.  I hope we paint again some day.  We watched Super Why and did the dishwasher.  Then I took a nap since we had Kindermusik tonight, mommy said I had to take a morning nap so I wouldn't be so cranky.  I ate some lunch, not a ton but some.  Then it started raining and we had to go to the store.  At first I didn't want to put on my raincoat but then I finally did.  I am trying really hard to put my own shoes on.  Today I thought I had it but they were on the wrong feet mommy said. I was a good girl at the store and followed mommy around. Then we came home and had a snack before Kindermusik.  I was so happy to go back tonight, I couldn't wait to see Ms. Dana and Jacob! I was a good girl and l tried to do all of the things in class.  Mommy told me she felt like cereal for dinner so that is what we had...I had Cheerios and she had something that she said I couldn't eat.  I ate a big bowl of Cheerios and I was fine with that for dinner!

Before bed tonight Mommy told me she loved me and I told her, "I love you too!" Mommy said I was such a sweet girl!



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