Here is an overview and some stats from Olivia's first week:
Original stats at birth 3/21/2011:
Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz
Length: 18 1/2 inches
Height and Weight 3/23/2011
Weight: 6 lbs 2 oz
Length: the same
Height and Weight 3/24/2011
Weight: 5 lbs 13 oz
Length: the same
Height and Weight 3/26/2011
Weight: 5 lbs 11 oz- doctor said we need to start supplementing with formula =(
Length: the same
Height and Weight 3/28/2011
Weight: 5lbs and 15 oz- =) yay!! we gained weight
Length: the same
We go back to the pediatrician on Thursday and hopefully she will continue gaining weight!!
Olivia's first week has come and gone. It goes by so fast. She is definitely a sleepy baby. Which we don't mind but it makes feeding a little difficult. She loves the blow dryer and to get her hair done with it. But here are some pictures from her first week and some gifts we received.
1 week old!!

Gift from Aunt Diane and Uncle Jim! Thank you!!

Aunt Jackie and Jocelyn's "Rockin" clothes for Olivia- Thank you!!

BEAUTIFUL handmade blanket from Allison- it is so soft and snuggly!! Thank you!!

Diapers from our neighbors The Millers! Thank you!!

After a bath and blow dry! Mohawk it up!!