Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lions, Tigers and the Zoo

Today we met our friends Jeff, Anna, Dymitrik at the Zoo Atlanta today.  It was gorgeous day to go! We got there at 10 a.m. and it was still busy. 

Olivia at first just wanted to roam around which made me nervous and it was a tad annoying trying to chase her through the crowds.  She was just so excited to see everything though.  Lots of animals were sleeping and some were eating.  It was so neat to see animals in person and see the kids reactions.  We went for a ride on the carousel.

Here are lots of pictures from our day and a few videos!

Olivia and Dymitrik also had their first kiss!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Getting Big and Big Heart

I got a little sad today because we put some more of Olivia's stuff away.  She hasn't used the exersaucer in months and she is way too big for her activity table.  She also wore a pear of pants today that were too small! It just means she is growing up! I know I am getting a little tired of her toys so she probably is too! We had a good afternoon/evening.  We watched a little baseball but are sad that now the Braves season is really over. 

My heart was filled with joy today when I opened the envelope at home that was taking up a collection for the Kelley family at school.  I feel so blessed to work with such a generous and giving staff. I can't wait to put it all together for the Kelley family.  If you can find that you can donate or give them something please do!

Loves her brother!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Update on Henry and Dust, Dust, Dust!

Update on Henry from his dad Ian Kelley...

Henry has a very aggressive malignant tumor called a Supratentorial Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET). It is very large and vascular. It's also rare (only 10-40 children in the US per year are diagnosed.) Unfortunately, because of his age and the nature of the tumor, treatment options are limited. At best, the five year event free survival rate is less than 20 percent. Treatment protocols are still being discussed, and it might be several weeks before a decision is made. Please pray for wisdom as we navigate this process. Also, pray for successful recovery from the procedure he is getting on Friday that should increase his comfort and mobility outside of the PICU. We're thankful for the excellent medical care Henry is receiving now and as always, we're thankful for your prayers and support. God bless.

After reading that this morning at work my heart just dropped.   How does one digest news like this? One must be strong and brave to face such news.  I keep asking myself Why? Why do things like this happen? My heart just hurts.  I still remember sitting in the doctor's office when Olivia was only days old and hearing the news that she may have Cystic Fibrosis.  My number one question was- Am I going to lose this baby? Olivia had been prayed for by many and was hoped for, for so long.  I thought that was tough news to digest.  All the unknown factors and the waiting...the waiting can be the worst part.  So please take a moment to pray for Henry and his family.  If you have something that you would like to donate please refer to the previous post keep-praying-and-how-can-you-help post about how you can make things just a bit easier for the Kelley family.  I know I will be working on something this weekend for them.  

Olivia and I had a quiet afternoon and went to Kindermusik.  She loves the song, "Dust, dust, dust." It has become a popular request and she will start to pretend dust at home.  I brought the cd in the car and we probably listened to it 10 times today! I am hoping she will keep up the would be a great help!  Olivia now can climb in her glider and likes to rock...she looks so big in the chair!  Tonight I am going to say lots of prayers and count the many blessings in our life.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gymboree and Toddler Tantrums

Olivia and I went to Gymboree this afternoon.  When I came home from work I got her up from her nap.  Thankfully we can still sometimes flip flop her nap time if there is something in the afternoon she will still nap in the morning.  She was happy to see me but when I went to get her out of the crib she did the whole toddler I am going to lay on the floor tantrum.  Yikes! But she was fine once I got her out and settled when I brought her downstairs. I thought it was just a fluke she did that.  Then before Gymboree I stopped at Target and she was fine.  Then when I went to put her in the car seat....she refused to sit down.  I told her that if she wanted to go to Gymboree she had to sit down.  Finally I remembered something we read about distracting your child while they want to throw a tantrum so I quick gave her a book and all was fine. 

Gymboree was fine and she played lots.  She so knows the routines of Gymboree and knows when to sit on the mat or when the parachute comes out.  It was good to see our friends Leo and Griffin. She is such a little monkey there and climbs all over the place.  It is hard to get a good picture.

Tantrums continued....Then we had another one before bath time...she didn't want to come into the bathroom.  Then another after her bath...she didn't want to put her pjs on! Then one more to put a cherry on top...because I wouldn't let her bring Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book in her bed! was insanity at its best!

Here are some videos from Gymboree today...

Bad Peek a boo picture
Walking on the bumpy slide

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Spider!

Today was another fun filled day of parent conferences.  I really do enjoy parent conferences.  It is a time to share with parents all the progress their child is making.  It makes my heart smile to see parents so proud of all the hard work their children do!

I came home as soon as possible after our last conference.  I practically ran out of the was a very fast walk.  Olivia was still napping when I got home so I worked on some school work...yes it never ends!

When she woke up from her nap she was saying, "Poop!" and repeating it.  I feared for the worst when I went up there...I imagined poop all over but nope...nothing...she did go shortly after her nap.  So I guess she was telling me she was getting ready to go...which is a good sign.  She was still a little stuffy today and coughed here and there.  The mucous is clear which is a good sign.  We played and then made dinner.  I made spaghetti tonight and as I was cooking she was climbing on the chairs at the table.  When she got to one chair she kept saying, "Spider." Of course I was proud that remembered the word spider and I looked outside and saw a spider web with a daddy long leg on it.  I guess I thought that was what she saw....ummm no...what she was on the inside! It wasn't a spider was so yucky bug.  Gotta love the South and their yucky bugs! I killed the thing and she got a little upset when I was trying to sweep it up with the broom. 

Later on in her room after dinner she pulled the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book off the shelf...I read it one time last week to her.  Wouldn't you know she said,"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!" I made her repeat it and  yep she said the title of the book! What a little smarty pants! Things like that amaze me.  I feel like half the time when I read to her she is not listening anyways.  I guess she is.

As of right now there is no update on Henry.  If something posts I will add to this posts! Keep continuing to pray!

Sorry no pictures tonight...I will make up for it tomorrow!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Long Rainy Day and Henry Update...prayers needed!

Here is the latest update from Jessica:

Ian and I are writing today to request specific prayer on behalf of Henry "Hercules." We've been told his tumor is very vascular. It is so intertwined with the blood supply that 3 liters of blood products had to be transfused into his small body last Tuesday before the surgery was halted. The nurse who received him in the PICU that night said she'd never seen blood loss of that magnitude associated with that surgery. She was surprised we still had him with us. She was surprised at how good he looked. His nurse last night was delighted to see his strength and alertness as she hadn't seen him in a few days. His tremendous progress now and his miraculous survival of the surgery is no doubt due to YOUR prayers answered by the ONE who loves us perfectly. Now will you please join us in another prayer request? A few of us feel led to pray that this vicious tumor be cut off from it's blood supply, that it would supernaturally shrink away from that source of nourishment and growth. Thank you in advance. Love & blessings.

Please continue to pray for Henry and his family!

As I read that post I really don't have much to say.  I could complain about how long of a day today was with parent conferences and how the weather was just miserable today...but after reading Jessica's post...all of my complaints are so trivial.  I have nothing to complain about...instead look around you and be thankful that all that you have- the good and the bad.  The good things in your life are to remind you of all the blessings you have.  The bad things in your life are there to teach you something...whatever it may be.  Every moment is a gift so take advantage of it.

Olivia and her daddy spent a lot of time together is some of their fun!

Funny face...the runny nose is better today...pretty stuffed up this morning but better
Loving on her cow
Pushing her car around

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Olivia woke up about 7 a.m. her usual time but played with her stuffed animals for a pretty long time! I woke up about 8:10 and she was still playing so I changed her diaper and brought her in to snuggle with us.  She likes playing in the bed with us.  I made some blueberry and apple cinnamon pancakes for breakfast.  Too bad she wasn't really interested in the pancakes but she ate 90% of her fruit by herself with the spoon! Then we did our usual coffee and newspaper time. Which usually ends up being me playing and trying to read the paper and trying to drink coffee.  Then Olivia started asking for crunch...which is Cinnamon Toast Crunch...her new favorite snack.  I don't mind since I really don't want to buy the baby snacks anymore and those are about the same as the Maple Crunchies that Gerber sells.  We did some cleaning today and Olivia helped me dust.  She did not freak out at the vacuum today which great! She was quite interested in it.  But then when I was done cleaning she started sneezing.  Then later in the day her nose started is clear so hopefully she is not getting sick! We put some Baby Vicks Vaporub and turned on the humidifier tonight.  Of course this would happen the day before parent-teacher conferences...go figure!

I didn't get any pictures today and as of right now there was no update on Henry.  If I get an update I will edit this post and add it.