Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gymboree and Toddler Tantrums

Olivia and I went to Gymboree this afternoon.  When I came home from work I got her up from her nap.  Thankfully we can still sometimes flip flop her nap time if there is something in the afternoon she will still nap in the morning.  She was happy to see me but when I went to get her out of the crib she did the whole toddler I am going to lay on the floor tantrum.  Yikes! But she was fine once I got her out and settled when I brought her downstairs. I thought it was just a fluke she did that.  Then before Gymboree I stopped at Target and she was fine.  Then when I went to put her in the car seat....she refused to sit down.  I told her that if she wanted to go to Gymboree she had to sit down.  Finally I remembered something we read about distracting your child while they want to throw a tantrum so I quick gave her a book and all was fine. 

Gymboree was fine and she played lots.  She so knows the routines of Gymboree and knows when to sit on the mat or when the parachute comes out.  It was good to see our friends Leo and Griffin. She is such a little monkey there and climbs all over the place.  It is hard to get a good picture.

Tantrums continued....Then we had another one before bath time...she didn't want to come into the bathroom.  Then another after her bath...she didn't want to put her pjs on! Then one more to put a cherry on top...because I wouldn't let her bring Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book in her bed! was insanity at its best!

Here are some videos from Gymboree today...

Bad Peek a boo picture
Walking on the bumpy slide


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