Saturday, March 1, 2014


Brendon has been bugging me for a few years to do the duathlon Dirty Spokes puts on at Fort Yargo.  So for Valentine's Day I said my gift would be to do the duathlon with him.  I told him he couldn't get mad at me if we didn't win or I was slow.  I know I am slow...especially slow on a trail run due to being over paranoid that I am going to fall.  So we did the race.  I did the run portion and rode the bike portion.  The first part of the run was 3.8 miles which I did in 38 minutes- which put us in 5th place =(.  Then Brendon biked and did the 10 mile bike course in 1 hour and 3 minutes.  Then I went and ran again for 2.10 miles in 20 minutes and 54 seconds.  After my run portion, since Brendon did so well on the bike it put us in 3rd place! So we came in 3rd place! We had a really good time and Olivia was super good and cheering us on!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Cars and Candyland

I have worked with some amazing parents in my years of teaching.  One of my parents was cleaning out some of the toys and games her boys didn't want or use anymore.  Of course I said I would take them! They showed up at school today.  When I got home I told Olivia if she ate all of her lunch I had a surprise for her.  It was a whole bag of cars and trucks!  She loved them!

This is what you do when you have a lot of cars!

Then we got a few board games! I wasn't sure how it would go but we played Candyland tonight! It went great! It actually is simple to play and I after the first few turns she understood.  So we played 2 rounds of that tonight.

Thank you so much for these great toys! We love them and appreciate them!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Weather Channel and a 2 Year Molar...finally!

Today I was checking an email account that I don't check often, I only checked it because something else told me to check it for a security measure.  As I was checking that email account a message came up that was from The Weather Channel that said they would like to use one of our YouTube videos.  Well I thought it was fake so I did some research and it did end up being legit.  So I replied back about the video and what it would be used for.  A person responded back that it would be used for a segment on animals and how they cope with drought and changes in weather conditions.  The story had already aired and they used our video regardless of having our here it is...

Pretty cool!

Then tonight after brushing her teeth I asked if I could check her teeth.  Then I asked her if there are any new toothies...her usual answer is no but today said YES! So I looked...there it was on the bottom right side...FINALLY a 2 year molar! She hasn't been to crabby about it...we just noticed her hands in her mouth a lot.  But no other symptoms.  So far so good!! Just happy they are finally coming in!

It was a big day at our house today! And add to that a poop in the potty for her!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day with Daddy!

Olivia and daddy had so much fun today while I had parent teacher conferences.  First they went to story time at the library.  After the library and checking out books they went to a few stores.  Then they had lunch and rest time.  Today Brendon had to take Olivia to dance class by himself for the first time.  Yesterday I wrote a set of directions for him.  Olivia did a great job and helped him get her ready and even told him how to get there.  She had another great time at dance class. I got home when they were eating dinner.  I missed them so much today!

Here is Olivia showing off her dance class moves at home!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Picky Eater Update...again!

I am so proud to say that I have several friends trying John Rosemond's picky eater method after posting about it.  Some are having success and some are still trying.  Keep trying friends!! There is no harm in trying and sticking to his method.

Dinner is going a lot better here...about 90% of the time she is eating dinner.  Saturday and Sunday we had to move seats several times but she finally finished.  But no more battles of I don't like or I don't want that.  Tonight I made chicken with fried rice and she ate it all and earned dessert.  I also noticed that she is growing...lots of shirts are getting short and too small. But that is a good thing!

So glad we tried this method and it is working. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Another nice day

It was another nice day today! Brendon and Olivia had some outside time this morning.  Then after rest time we went to visit our neighbors for a quick minute.  Then we ate dinner and got ready for gymnastics.  I am so happy that Olivia is enjoying gymnastics! She was doing forward rolls on her own tonight and listening to the teacher! I was so proud of her!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunny Sunday

Today was a super nice day! Brendon went for a bike ride in the morning and Olivia and I went to Target to get some things to organize.  There are so many toys and our things that need some organization.  So we worked on organizing and had lunch.  Olivia helped Brendon clean his bike when he got home and played outside for a bit.  When Olivia napped I went for a very slow 9 mile run.  Then when I got home we played on the porch, made brownies, and ate dinner.  We even got another poop in the potty today which equaled watching part of Bambi.  I haven't seen Bambi in a long time...we watched about 30 minutes of it and it was pretty cute so far.  Great day for exercise, the sandbox, bubbles and a delicious dinner!!