Tonight I tucked in this sweet 4 year old. When she wakes up she will be FIVE!! Five I can't believe it!
Thinking back to 5 years ago this night, we didn't even know Olivia was coming, We had been waiting for something or anything to happen all weekend. It had been such a long journey we just waited patiently. She would come when she was ready.
She has taught me so much in the past 5 years. From the moment I got the pregnant sign on the test to the moment I heard her cry, my heart grew in ways that I didn't know it could. Seeing the world through her eyes are amazing. Things we adults take for granted, she cherishes. Our house always looks like a tornado of toys, stickers, books, crayons, everywhere because she just loves everything. Her laughter is contagious and she just loves to be silly. She is a ruler follower to the T most of the time and she will let you know if you are not following the rules. Her heart is so big for others and she always wants to do something- make a card or give someone something even if it is a dandelion to make a wish on. She makes the quiet lulls full of questions and talking. She is fearless (most of the times) and can race anyone to do anything. Her little rhymes and songs make my heart smile.
There are a few things I have taught her and have seen come out in her. One thing I have taught her is to be patient. While we wait in line places etc. I always tell her this is a good time to practice waiting patiently and that everyone will get their turn. This came out at her party yesterday while I was getting ready to cut her cake. Olivia yelled out, "Guys! You have to be patient and wait your turn for cake." I was so proud of her...check- she is listening.
I hope she enjoyed her last day of being 4. She has grown so much and can't wait for everyday and for what she will teach us. As we sat at church today and the children's choir sang the song How Beautiful, I couldn't be thankful enough for the beautiful gift that we get everyday from Olivia, she truly is the best gift we ever received.
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago