Saturday, January 14, 2012

Big day today!

Today was a big day today!!

1. Olivia took 4 bottles today...about 22 oz (about 2 oz shy of what she normally gets)

2. At Gymboree today Olivia climbed through 3 tunnels.  She has always screamed when it is time to go through the tunnels but today she did awesome.  She even climbed in one multiple times and even right behind another baby! She was so proud when she would get to the other side.  Hopefully we will do tunnels next week and I will get some pictures.

3. Olivia picked up Puffs and put them in her mouth and ate them appropriately! For awhile she has been trying to swallow them whole which results in her regurgitating them back up with other food.  But today she picked them up, put them in her mouth, and she chomped on them.  I have also been giving her these things that look like small cheese puffs but they are for babies and flavored maple and cinnamon and she picked that up and took bites of it and ate that!! (See video)

4. Olivia started walking with her stroller today.  She has this cute Fisher Price stroller and finally today she took steps with them and a lot of them.  She even got really quick with it too.  The weight is in the stroller to weigh it down so it doesn't tip over when she pulls herself up on it- Theresa our PT recommended that tip!(See video)

5. Olivia wore shoes to Gymboree today.  A mom that comes had some shoes on her daughter and I inquired where she got them and what they were called.  They are a brand called Pediped.  They are very easy to get on and have a soft bottom.  She wore them at Gymboree and they didn't bother her at all! So I guess now that it is cold we will be wearing "shoes" when we go out!

So today was a big day for us!! I think the videos will be posted below this blog...not sure though...

If you look closely you can see her tooth

Chilling in my fleece vest!

Laughing and doing belly flops on the Boppy pillow

Playing with my favorite toy- so much so that sometimes it gets stuck on sounds!

More Olivia walking with her stroller!

Olivia walking with her stroller!

Olivia eating puffs all by herself!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Baby its cold outside!

Well I guess winter finally arrived.  This morning and today was super chilly.  I know we have nothing to complain about since most of Buffalo is getting snow- it was on the news.  I don't really miss the snow at all especially after last year and seeing what happens when there is snow here.  Yes it is pretty to look at but down south we are just not prepared for it.

Olivia stayed warm and toasty inside today with lots of playing.  There has been less fuss at bottle and hopefully she will soon start taking that morning bottle again- we are down to 3 bottles at the moment.  So she is missing about 5 oz a day.  It doesn't seem like much but that equals about 100 calories.  Needless to say we have been upping her solids to compensate. After her bath tonight since it is so chilly we tried her bathrobe on.  She wasn't the biggest fan of it at first but she got used to it. 

Playing with my laptop

After her bath with her bathrobe on!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

50 Rules for Dads of Daughters {by Michael Mitchell}

I guess this is something that may hang somewhere in our house!

Olivia Cruising ALL the way around the coffee table

Round and Round and Up the Stairs

Today Olivia figured out a lot stuff.  The first thing she did this morning was try to follow me up the stairs.  Basically she climbed all the stairs on 3 occasions today with me behind her (except Brendon one time) and she is so fast now at climbing them.  Also she is cruising more and more.  She went around the coffee table multiple times today.  It has been a little gloomy so Olivia wore yellow to be a little ray of sunshine today.  She ate ok again today.  Still about 17 oz of formula but all of her solids.  It is getting better though!

You are my sunshine my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Olivia cruising around the coffee table


We can now say that Olivia is cruising around the furniture.  Today she went all the way around the coffee table.  She is also transferring from one piece of furniture to the next if there are two pieces of furniture next to each other.  She is starting to let go sometimes but gets a little nervous and then just sits down.  We have started a little bit of walking with her and holding her hands, she seems to like it and it puts her about eye level with Jake.  Still the same with eating today- still good with solids and formula about 17 oz. 

Getting ready to cruise

Baby Blues =)

Transferring between table and my leg

Reading the newspaper her favorite thing to do!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Better day

We had a little bit of a better day today.  We got some formula in.  When I got home from work Brendon said he only got 1 oz of formula in her. I then got her to finish a bottle which was 5 oz total.  I called the doctor for any other suggestions than what Brendon got yesterday.  They suggested trying s sippy cup with a straw- tried that tonight- that didn't work.  But she ate better today but still not back at 100%.  She ate about 17 oz.

I thought it was funny about Olivia playing with the phone.  So today we pulled out her "smart" phone and the classic phone.  I loved the classic phone as a child.  So she at least tried the old phone but still preferred her smart phone!


I know if I pull the string what happens!

Classic phone vs. Smart phone

Monday, January 9, 2012

Who you gonna call?

Ghostbusters! Brendon caught Olivia playing with the phone today...I guess she had someone important to talk to. 

Today she was still not taking her formula well.  It is frustrating for her and for us.  I think her and I cried about the same amount today.  We know she is we bumped up her solids and added more formula to her oatmeal.  So she did eat 10 Tablespoons of oatmeal today total.  She had fruit, yogurt, veggies, and meat with it.  She ate it all, so we know she is hungry.  She did take about 6 oz of formula before bed tonight which made us both feel better.  Feeding a baby is really hard sometimes and frustrating!


Let me see... who should I call??

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Nice Try Falcons!

Today and it was mommy and I in the morning.  We had fun but I still did not want to drink my formula today!! I ate all my other food good though! I even was trying to steal food off of mommy's plate.  I watched a little of the Falcon's game and was trying to be a good cheerleader... but it just didn't work! Maybe next year Falcons!


Playing with Jake this morning

Go Falcons! This was the better of the two pictures...

sitting on Jake!

Trying to eat mommy's food

I liked mommy's chewing!