Friday, October 24, 2014

A "little" sick

Olivia had the cutest conversation with Mema today.  She told her that she was a "little" sick and that her nose was stuffed up. 

She woke up this morning early- I was still drying my hair.  I could tell as soon as she walked into the bathroom that she wasn't her normal happy self.  She has a little stuffy nose but has been acting fine.  I could tell she needed some more rest this afternoon but has been fine all night except the blowing of the 5,000 times.  Which hardly anything comes out!

I told her she needs lots of rest so she will feel better tomorrow! Hate seeing her not feeling well =(

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fresh out of Amazing...yet again

Sorry....out of anything remotely close to amazing.  The past few days we have been testing at school.  I have been reading a loud and pacing my room every day for over an hour and half each day...I am a little out of anything amazing...

We have had a good few days... Olivia and I went to Target yesterday to shop for Emily's birthday and boy does this girl want to give her friend everything! We also got some Halloween treats too!

I tried taking her picture tonight  but all I got were her cute little legs sticking out from under her chair tent...

I tried...I really did but nothing amazing would happen!  Maybe tomorrow that amazing thing will come back...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bad Morning

We had a bad morning...

Olivia woke up early 6:45ish...then she couldn't decide what she wanted to do- go back in her bed or stay with Brendon.  It was early so he said NO T.V. = tears...


As I am about to walk out the door (feeling horrible mommy guilt because Olivia is crying) Jake starts throwing up...!!! Turn around...walk back to bedroom to crying child and now crabby husband to tell him Jake is throwing up...= more unhappiness in house... Jake got into some trash yesterday...but seems fine now.

My work day was ok....long... but better than this disaster of a start day...

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Busy Weekend

We had a busy weekend!

Brendon got up early to go hunting...saw some deer!

Then when he came home, we got dressed and went to the Loganville Autumn Heritage Festival. 

Then I went to Athens to get my packet for the half marathon for today.

I got up early for the half marathon.

It wasn't my best run but a good run!

Start line

Finish line

Brendon and Olivia went to church while I was at the race. 

Then Brendon went for a bike ride while I rested and Olivia napped.

Then we went to Corn Dawgs for some fall fun!