Olivia woke up about 4:15 a.m. last night. Crying and I could tell feeling yucky. She had a little cold the past 2 weeks- clear mucous which means not really sick. The doctor told us if it is anything other than clear then she is sick. Her eyes have been goopy the past few days but she has that off and on...but the drops and wipes which usually help were not working. So I stayed home today...I basically have been up since 4:15 a.m. I snagged a cat nap from 6:30 a.m. to about 6:20 a.m. I took Olivia to the doctor this morning and she has a sinus infection. The nurse practitioner said her chest sounded good, ears were good, but when she looked in her mouth she could tell it was all junked up with boogers. So we got a Z-Pack for medicine and went to Publix to pick it up. We had chicken noodles soup for lunch and then napped. I ended up falling asleep for about a half hour with her. Then she woke up about 3 crying and then I brought her downstairs and she slept in the recliner for another hour. Generally she was pretty happy today with some bouts of fuss. She was really fussy before bed...I mean REALLY fussy. One moment we were reading books and were happy and 1 minute later she was screaming and crying for no reason. Lovely way to end the day!
Sleeping in the recliner |
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