Olivia seemed a bit better today. But today the cough started...ugh I hate the cough. Hopefully it will go away sooner than later. It made for a tough go on the nap this afternoon which lasted about 40 minutes....so basically...no nap! So I decided we should do something fun like...paint! So we painted for a bit. It kept her attention for awhile. Tonight we had out biggest fuss around dinner time. It was the same fuss that I had with her at bed time last night. So I basically just ignored her and had to walk away. Once I walked away, she calmed herself down and sat at the table to eat. Granted by this time (30+ minutes later), her dinner was cold. So she got bananas and toast for dinner. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day..I am hoping this is from the medicine and not feeling well or else we are back to the terrible twos again!
Painting |
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