We took Olivia out shopping this afternoon. I was a little nervous with her past performance the past few days in the car and at the stores. She did great. At Sam's Club she rode in the cart. She was a little nervous at first in the parking lot because of the noise but once we got inside she loved it. She loved looking around and smiling. We made another stop at an electronic store and she was probably the only one that could sleep with all the noise in the store- the stereos, the tvs... and she was out like a light. It was a little heavy to carry her around because she is getting so big. Also we took out a toy that requires standing. We have to hold the toy and she stands up with it. We took out another toy a ball popper and she is scared to death of it. Not sure why...it plays music and the balls pop up and sometimes shoot out. It is not fun for us because we have to chase and pick up all the balls. It is funny to see what things she likes and does not like.
Stand up toys! |
The only person sleeping at the store! |
The scary ball popper! |
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