Friday, March 23, 2012

Milk Day 1

I was so excited to buy milk today when grocery shopping! I have been reading lots about transitioning to milk.  It is not a fast process.  For one week we will do 1/4 milk 3/4 formula, then next week 1/2 milk, 1/2 formula, then 3/4 milk 1/4 formula then finally all milk! So I am thinking we may have to buy one more formula =( But today she did fine with it.  She had milk about 5:00 and then before bed.  She drank all of both bottles! Soon we will work on switching totally to the sippy cup too! It is a work in progress!

Olivia seemed much better today.  A little cranky this afternoon but she ate much better today.  She is also enjoying some new toys- a tea pot set and her Elmo drum book.  Olivia has been doing more standing and will walk holding our hands.  I know one day she will let go and take off. 

Well time to start getting ready for her party on Sunday! We are so excited to celebrate with everyone!

I'm a little teapot!

Eating lunch!

Funny tooth shot!

Playing with my Elmo drum


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