Today after work and lunch we went to the library. Olivia does a great job picking out books. She is very particular in what she gets- Curious George, Scaredy Squirrel, Good night bear, and today I convinced her to get a Llama Llama book since we drive past llamas on the way to the library. The Scaredy Squirrel books for Brendon and I are hilarious (not sure if she gets the humor), but they are at least funny to us.
Then we went to Fleet Feet since my GPS watch broke =( right before the 1/2 marathon on bummed!
But then we had soccer tonight! She loves it. She did fall on the turf type grass trying to stop the ball with her foot...which I give her mad props for since that is hard and we are trying NOT to use our hands! So we had to get a band aid from Coach Dani and we were fine. It actually opened up a scab that was in the process of healing =( Her poor skinned knees! I think one of her favorite parts is the water breaks! But she did really good tonight!
I forgot to post this yesterday...says I love you mommy this big! |
Water break! |
Is this my soccer ball? |
Yes I see my name! I love being a kickeroo! |
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