Everyone knows that change is difficult and that it takes time to adjust. Today was one of those days. Olivia graduated from the Level 1 Play and Learn class at Gymboree because she can sit on her own, so today was our first adventure to Level 2. I admit I was a little apprehensive about it. I really enjoyed my Wednesday class and made some friends with other mommies. There was just three of us in the class today. There was another mom that was in the Wednesday class that came so I felt a little better. A lot of the activities involved crawling or crawling motions and Olivia is just not there yet. She could do all the stuff that involved sitting, so I felt today was a little bit hard and even questioned my choice of starting her in the Level 2 class. But I remember feeling this same way the first time we went to Gymboree and seeing all the other babies doing more stuff than Olivia. I also have to remember that Olivia was 4 weeks early! She was 20 hours late of being considered a premie. So I have to keep that in mind, and that her development may or may not be what a typical baby is doing. We are so proud of all the milestones she has mastered so far. We know the crawling and everything else will come when she is ready. Even thought our schedule was all out of whack today she did great and hardly fussed at all. Even though she took a catnap on me about 5:15 p.m. after her dinner bottle. I think she finally gave in to being tired.
Playing after Gymboree today |
This morning she managed to scoot herself underneath the Pack and Play. |
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