I forgot to post yesterday that Olivia turned 4 months old yesterday!! Our big girl is growing up so fast. We go to the doctor on Monday for her 4 month check up and we are so excited. I can't wait to see how much she has grown. I stepped on the scale with her today and it looks like she may be around 13.5 pounds even with all the hunger strike has brought on. I decided today to start a food diary to see if that helps ease my anxiety over how much she is eating. I know if she is not eating well she will not get the go ahead for solids =(
This afternoon she was not in the mood for a nap. She only slept about 45 minutes. That left a LONG afternoon of playing. Thankfully after her bath and bottled she was tired.
Looking at herself and talking and smiling

Helping daddy hold the garden bowl

After the dreaded 45 minute nap- I am a hot mess the afternoon!
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