Tonight I realized how thankful and grateful I am to my husband for allowing me to work part time this year. I am also very thankful to my principal for allowing me the opportunity to work part time with a great partner. I say this because today was my first time to work as a full time mom and doing the evening all by myself. I left work at 4:00 and picked Olivia up at 4:30 from our daycare person. Olivia had a great time! She was good and only cried once but that was because she was tired. But it was nice to get a text and a picture from our babysitter! That about brought me to tears because I know Olivia is in such good hands. By the time I got home it was around 5:00. I quickly got Olivia out of the car and took Jake out. It was time for Olivia to eat so I fed her, and then fed myself quickly. By that time it was almost 5:45. Olivia played for a bit in her bouncy seat while I ate and did some exercise time on the mat. Then it was cereal time at 6:15 and she did a little better with the oatmeal. Then we played upstairs some more and then it was bath and bottle time. She was down for bed at 8:15. Then it was time to clean up the bathroom, empty the dishwasher, make bottles, and make a lunch, it went by so fast. I give major credit to all the mommies working full time! You are amazing!! I am exhausted....and I don't know how you all do it. I know eventually I will be back to full time but right now I am thankful to have the time to watch Olivia grow and the snuggles and smiles are too bad either.
Here are the only 2 pictures I got today =(

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