Today was Jake's 7th birthday! We usually take him to Petsmart for his birthday but today Brendon had jury duty and didn't get home until really late. So we will have to take him another day. I did get the chance yesterday to make him some homemade dog biscuits though so he had 2 of those tonight and we sang Happy Birthday. Too bad Jake had to go to the vet today. He has had a boo boo on his leg and keeps licking it. Well the vet didn't see anything..weird...because something bleeds when he licks it. So he ended up getting his yearly check up while we were there. It was hard to handle him and Olivia at the same time but I managed and earned my gold star for today.
We are so happy to have Jake in our lives. He is a good protector and big brother. He truly was our first baby and we love him so much. Jake has brought us so much happiness and we are so happy to share our love and life with him!
Hope you had a great birthday Jake!!
Happy Birthday Jake! Hope you enjoyed your treats! |
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