Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bad Mommy of the Year Award

Definitely giving myself that award today.  This morning we got up super early to help our friends with the Create 5k. In all the hustle and bustle of getting 3 people ready and Jake- I FORGOT THE CAMERA!! AHHHH!! Who does that?? Anywho some other friends- Joan- got some pictures!! So when I get them I will post them.  Brendon did a great job on his bike leading the runners.  I on the other hand walked it with Olivia.  I have found it quite difficult to run with the stroller.  When you are used to running and pumping your arms it is hard to run and hold onto the stroller.  For walking it, I didn't do too bad.  I walked it in 42:30.  I guess I got my mom's fast walking skills! I was determined not to be last!!! The rest of the day was all off routine.  We also had Gymboree and had a good time.  This afternoon was kind of disaster being off our routine.  Eating times were thrown off, napping times were thrown off.  I was so exhausted this afternoon.  It is not fun getting up at 5:30 a.m. 6 days in a row but today was for a good cause.  Finally got Olivia to nap at 4:00 and Jake and I crashed too.  But even after that we had fussiness and not wanting to eat.  I am expecting her to wake tonight and want to eat.  We shall see what the night brings.......well not even finished with this and she is crying....

The bowl and spoon band


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