Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Semi-Better day

We had a semi-better day today.  Olivia is waking up like clockwork at 6:30 a.m.  She was a little fussy this morning but then got better.  We still had some bouts of crying but I tried to keep her busy.  We fed the birds and then played outside.  Then we ate lunch and went in the pool.  This little fish is doing so well.  We got her to swim to the ladder, climb the ladder, and then jump in the pool.  She was still holding on to my hands while jumping but she jumped.  She did some swimming  towards some objects in the pool- like her boats and Jaws our thermometer. 

Then it was nap was a disaster at first but she finally fell asleep.  It was a disaster afterwards too.  I made the mommy call of taking her to the doctor.  They checked everything- ears fine, throat- a little red, did a strep test- negative, checked her tummy- fine. So who knows what is going on in that little body.  I am hoping it is not the end of the napping era...we all need a little break during the day for some rest!

Olivia helped water the flowers after dinner.  She didn't get the flowers much but she watered herself a bunch.  Then we did some music and then it was bath time.  So far she has exited the bed once...we shall see if she is down for good....

Being silly with her fake glasses on...


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